There are many ways to say thank you.

The serious way:


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The slightly crappy way:

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The “appropriate for everyone, mostly unless they are allergic to strawberries and maybe you still might get away with it” way:

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The “appropriate for someone you’re slightly intimidated by” way:

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The “inappropriate for certain people” way:

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A thank you note for a pessimist – or from a pessimist:

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The “I don’t know who this is or why this image popped up in my search results” way:

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A religious person will likely not appreciate this:

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And since we haven’t seen Kelto for a while, there’s MY way of saying thank you:


I’ve been neglecting him a bit. I’m not giving him enough roles in my videos, and he needed glasses badly, so I finally took care of that. We had a great chat this morning. We’re good.

And to top it all off, I got this INCREDIBLY encouraging email from Monica today! I think things are looking up!


Thank you all, and I hope you’re having a great Wednesday!